Noise Space Audio Piggy
The NSA Piggy claims to be a more or less exact copy of the Smallsound/Bigsound Mini. The knob layout is a little different with a Sag knob instead of a Bias knob, but we get the same thing from the other knobs: Gain and Volume, as well as a bass and treble knob, bass sitting before the clipping stage and treble sitting after.
Let me cut this short: Is the Piggy a straight up 1:1 copy that would work absolutely the same? No it is not. Can the Piggy pull off most, if not all of the sounds the Mini is capable of? Yes, absolutely. If you desperately want a Mini, but can’t find one for an acceptable price, the NSA Piggy is available in the NSA shop on Reverb – go and get that one instead.
NSA claims that the Piggy has a little more bass than the Mini and I found that to be true. When you boost bass, you reach what the Mini is capable of a little bit before the maximum travel of the knob is reached.
The rest of the review can be cut rather short:
The Piggy is a great device. It can go from clean boost to full-on fuzz and you will find a surprisingly large number of sweet spots between those two extremes. It sometimes sounds a bit artificial when you play it solo, but put those settings in a proper mix and it’s not only just right, it’s downright gorgeous.